Overview   |   Objectives   |   Work Plan  


The pyrolysis process has proved to be able to produce high yields of liquid products which can be shipped, stored and utilised more economically than solid fuel systems in the small to medium size class (50 kW to 1 MWth). However, to this date there have been no long term experiences with pyrolysis fuel use in this size class due to lack of sufficient quantities of suitable quality fuel. Therefore, it is envisaged that to be able to enter into heating fuel markets, the new liquid biofuel, pyrolysis oil, chain has the following general objectives:

  • To be competitive economically, with chips, pellets and light fuel oil in heat production, in a new European business area;
  • To fulfil specifications required by users.

The following specific scientific objectives are defined to solve major technical problems and to address the principal economic uncertainties:

  1. Generation of process performance data of pilot-scale PO production;
  2. Definition of three classes of preliminary PO fuel specifications. Specifications are defined for the following applications: replacing heavy fuel oil in large boilers (2-10 MWth), replacing light fuel oil in intermediate size boilers (0.2-1 MWth) and replacing light fuel oil in small (10-20 MWth) boilers;
  3. Generation and reporting of performance and emission data of various boilers, which are typically used in industry, in institutional buildings (schools, hospitals etc.) and in single houses, in long term tests. Generation of fundamental PO combustion data to assist in developing higher quality fuels with less emissions is performed;
  4. Improvement in the PO fuel quality in pilot demonstration unit scale. The fuel properties, which need most development, are homogeneity, stability, solids content, pH, heating value and viscosity;
  5. Improvement in the economic competitiveness of the bioenergy chain. The target is to be able to produce close to fuel oil prices and to compete with other renewable alternatives (chips, wood pellets).
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